comprehensive solutions
Offering an array of services designed specifically to meet the strategic financial needs of public agencies, CalMuni Advisors is there to help solve the complex challenges and build a more resilient and robust future for your agency.
Policy Development/Management
Non-Bond Funding Strategies
Debt Issuance Management
Pension & OPEB Solutions
Public Infrastructure Financing Strategies
USDA, WIFIA, TIFIA, and SRF Advisory
CalMuni PFA Financing Program
​Financial Planning, Cost Allocation, and Policy Development
Ballot Measure/Election Support
Utility Rate and Fee Studies
Continuing Disclosure Reporting
Arbitrage Rebate Compliance
Post-Issuance Tax Compliance
Annual Debt Reporting Compliance
strategic financial planning
A long term financial plan is an invaluable tool in your agency's financial well-being. We work alongside staff council/board to create a long-term funding plan, usually with a scope of 10 years, that acts as a link between your budgetary process and strategic project planning. We include a historical analysis, projects, project overviews, recommended timelines for execution and more depending on each agency's needs.

Debt issuance management
We help you evaluate financing options, navigate municipal credit markets, and manage debt obligations. With an in-depth knowledge of credit criteria and rating methodologies, we develop custom strategies for the specific financial situation of each client. We actively work with you to mitigate and turn around credit weaknesses, build a solid financial foundation, communicate with rating agencies, investors, and lenders, secure the strongest credit rating possible, and keep borrowing costs low.
Bringing together technical, financial, legal, regulatory, and qualitative expertise, we design the most appropriate funding mix for your projects
Pension & Opeb solutions
We take a comprehensive and tailor-made approach to addressing unfunded actuarial liabilities and designing funding solutions, taking into account prudent reserve, revenue and surplus property policies, labor practices, capital improvements funding, new debt and pension obligation bond issuance, and refunding of outstanding obligations. Unfunded pension liability is your most expensive debt and we help you find your way out of it. Our team will work with you to develop a Pension Management Policy and finance your unfunded liabilities for optimal savings.

federal and state funding
Federal and State Subsidization Programs such as USDA, WIFIA, TIFIA, and SRF offer subsidized financing solutions for water, wastewater, solid waste, storm drainage, and transportation projects, as well as for essential community facilities (city halls, courthouses, police and fire departments, schools, hospitals, medical clinics, museums, libraries, etc.). Such financing can take on the form of bonds, certificates of participation, direct loans, guaranteed and insured loans, and/or grants.
CalMuni Advisors knows how to utilize and combine these programs to maximize their benefits for your community. While offering attractive financing terms, the subsidization programs involve multiple layers of government oversight and complexity that must be closely and expertly managed. CalMuni Advisors helps you navigate and optimize the process, shortening and simplifying the path to funding by getting submittals right, complying with program requirements, and avoiding pursuits of dead-end paths.
Issuer Compliance Support
CalMuni Advisors is your one-stop shop for continuing disclosure reporting. We assist you in complying with the frequently amended ongoing municipal debt disclosure requirements under the SEC Rule 15c-12(b)(5) and state financial reporting with California Debt and Investment Advisory Committee (CDIAC), including:
Preparation of Continuing Disclosure Requirements Schedules
Preparation of CDIAC annual reports
Preparation, Review and Filing of Continuing Disclosure Reports
Monitoring of SEC Rule 15c-12(b)(5) Amendments
Notification of Filing Deadlines and Material Events
Monitoring of Ratings Services

New Market Tax Credits
We help you evaluate current opportunities to finance projects with New Market Tax Credits (NMTC). Community Development Entities are the intermediaries that make loans or investments under hte NMTC program. Any bank, developer, and local government can be a Community Development Entity. The CDE applies to the Treasury Department's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund to receive tax credit authority. CDEs sell the tax credits to investors and use the funds to make debt or equity investments in entities located in qualified low-income communities. CDEs leverage NMTC by using other public subsidies and private sector funds to invest in projects.